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IDF Board: Update of members and commissions

Writer's picture: Webmaster OfficeWebmaster Office
IDF is happy to share with all of you the last decisions taken by the Board of directors.

IDF has approved and changed the list of the members, according to the decision taken into the EGM:

IDF has updated the list of the commission and its members:
  • Sports Department
    HEAD - Simone Rossolini
    Member: Bratislav Uhricek
    Member: Marco Zerbini
    Member: Gábor Balázs
    Member: Ruben Funosas
    Member: Karl Plank
o   ​​​​e-darts Commission
o   Entourage Commission
o   Sport for All & Development Commission
HEAD - Isa Abdulrahim Mohammed
Member: Kuong Hon Che
Member: Albanani Emad
Member: Stavri Bello
o   Education Commission
HEAD - Mutlu Turkmen
Member: Andrii Boliak
Member: Anita Pariani
Member: Sporis Goran
Member: Maria Garcia Castro
Member: Marco Zerbini
Member: Kuong Hon Che
Member: Stavri Bello
o   University and School Sport / Youth and Sport Commission
HEAD - Mutlu Turkmen
Member: Kuong Hon Che
Member: Sporis Goran
Member: Stavri Bello
o   Soft Darts Commission
  • Parasport Commission
    HEAD - Marco Zerbini
  • Athletes Commission
    HEAD - Karl Plank
    Member: Nichi Machaira
    Member: Francesca Terrosi
  • Ethics Commission
    HEAD – TBD
  • ​​Medical & Anti-Doping Committee
    HEAD - Renato Capurro
o   Therapeutic Use Exemption Committee
HEAD - Renato Capurro
o   Doping Control Panel
HEAD - Renato Capurro
  • Disciplinary Commission
    HEAD - TBD​​
  • Appeals Commission
    HEAD - TBD
  • Auditors
    HEAD - Roberto Selci
  • Women in Sport Commission
    HEAD - María García Castro
    Member: Anita Pariani
    Member: Oleksandra Boliak
    Member: Francesca Terrosi​
  • Match Fixing and Gambling Commission
    HEAD - TBD​​
  • IT Committee
    HEAD - Marco Tomasini​
    Member: Kent Robin
  • ​​​Membership Commission
    HEAD - Marco Tomasini
    Member: Oleksandra Boliak
  • Safeguarding Commission
    HEAD - TBD
The CEO/SG is Ex Officio member of all the commissions and sub-commissions.

The board has also approved the Continental Commissions list and its members:

o   IDF Board Member representing Europe: Mate Vukoja (Cro)
o   Commission Chairman: Gábor Balázs (Hun)
o   Commission Vice Chairman: Sonny Klein-Kemp (Lux)
o   Commission Members: Bretislav Uhricek (Cze), Yves Baulesch (Lux), Simone Rossolini (Ita), Joze Seitl (Slo), Visar Prelvukaj (Kos), Marco Zerbini (Ita)
o   Ex Officio member / IDF CEO: Marco Tomasini
o   IDF Board Member representing Oceania: Robert Nisbet (Gbr)
o   Commission Chairman: TBD
o   Commission Vice Chairman: TBD
o   Commission Members: TBD​​​
o   Ex Officio member / IDF CEO: Marco Tomasini
o   IDF Board Member representing Panamerican: Michaela McClain (Ger)
o   Commission Chairman: TBD
o   Commission Vice Chairman: TBD
o   Commission Members: TBD​​​
o   Ex Officio member / IDF CEO: Marco Tomasini

o   IDF Board Member representing Asia: Zhou Mei (Chn)
o   Commission Chairman: Huong Hon Che (Mac)
o   Commission Vice Chairman: Wong Po Kee (Hkg)
o   Commission Members: TBD​​​
o   Ex Officio member / IDF CEO: Marco Tomasini

o   IDF Board Member representing Oceania: Ruben Funosas (Esp)
o   Commission Chairman: Albanani Emad (Egy)
o   Commission Vice Chairman: TBD
o   Commission Members: TBD​​​
o   Ex Officio member / IDF CEO: Marco Tomasini

All the commissions are based in the IDF Headquarter:
International Dart Federation IDF Continental Commission C/O SportWorks House Pl. de la Gare 12, 1003 Lausanne, Switzerland

IDF is opening, after the decisions taken by the EGM and the board, for a call for candidates to become members of the IDF commissions, including the continental ones.

Candidatures need to be sent to including the CV and the endorsement of the national federation. If the national federation is sending directly the candidature, the endorsement it is not needed.

IDF, according to the decision of the general Assembly and in accordance with the strategic plan, is opening the bid for the IDF Ranking Tournaments of the season 2025/2026, 2026/2027, 2027/2028,

For each season IDF is seeking for at least 3 organizers of an IDF Ranking 1000, one organizer for an IDF Ranking 500, and one organizer for an IDF Ranking 250.

It is also possible to request the National Open Championship, one for country.

Here a quick recap:
· IDF Ranking 1000: Different amounts of point assigned and fees of 1.000,00 euro for the organizer
· IDF Ranking 500: Different amounts of point assigned and fees of 500,00 euro for the organizer
· IDF Ranking 250: Different amounts of point assigned and fees of 250,00 euro for the organizer
· National Open Championships: Different amounts of point assigned, one per country, and fees of 750,00 euro for the organizer

It is still possible to request the organization of the IDF Continental Championships (not Europe) for the years 2026 and 2028.

Candidatures and requests need to be sent to the email

Thank you very much.
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