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IDF joins IFSO as member!

The International Dart Federation is happy to announce to have been admitted as member of the International Federation for Sports Officials.

The International Federation for Sports Officials (IFSO) was founded at The Peace Palace in the city of The Hague in the Netherlands on March 2019. It is the first of its kind and has been founded to enhance sports officiating across all sports.

IFSO aims to be the platform for sharing knowledge, experience and best practice in sports officiating, and will be seen as the world leaders in the field of generic education and development for the sector.

- Support the recruitment of young people to sports officiating and retain their interest.
- Support organisations to get more women through their respective development pathways, in order to officiate at the highest level.
- Support the development of soft skill training such as communication and management skills.
- Raise the profile of officiating, by doing so, gain recognition and respect for sport officials.
- Look at positive ways to support the coaching of officials in order for them to achieve their own potential.
- Support organisations with the development of effective pathways for sports officials.
- Offer members the opportunity to access generic and sport specific e-learning programs to meet the needs of the individual at all levels of the pathway.

Here the official press release of IFSO:
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